Trees are typically very hardy plants that can survive almost any weather condition. However, cold and inconsistent weather can be detrimental to a tree’s health. Understanding how chilly weather can affect tree growth is essential for maintaining healthy trees. While choosing trees specifically for your hardiness zone is important, uncontrollable factors also influence tree health.

Incredibly Low Temperatures

While the hardiness zone map provides you with rough guidelines, it’s not the sole predictor of what plants can grow where. For instance, each tree has a tolerance range, and damage can occur when the temperature drops below the minimum. Cold temperatures freeze plant cells, which causes damage by interrupting the flow of water and nutrients.

Trees Don’t Check a Calendar

When you live in a region with unpredictable weather, your trees might struggle to bloom. Since trees don’t check a calendar, they won’t know it’s too early to flower during those rare warm spring days. As a result, they may experience shock or frost damage when the weather shifts again a few days later.

Winter Burn and Limb Breakage

When ice and snow accompany cold weather, the extra weight can cause limb breakage. To reduce the risk of limb breakage, you should adequately prune and remove dead limbs regularly. Aside from breakage, trees can also get winter burns.

Just as your skin may be dry during the winter months, trees can also struggle to find enough moisture. As a result, they pull moisture from their own cells, preventing growth. Fortunately, you can prevent winter burn through adequate watering in the fall months and planting your trees where they have relief from the cold wind.

Before you buy fig trees online, you should understand how chilly weather can affect tree growth. Although fig trees and many other fruit trees are resilient in colder climates, they have tolerance limits. Protect your trees from cold damage by providing shelter, applying mulch to their bases, and using frost barriers.

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