Oak trees are one of the most robust and large trees in the world, and they’ve been around for millions of years. Believe it or not, there are over 600 oak species, and approximately 100 grow in the United States. Aside from their ability to feed numerous creatures with their leaves and acorns, there are various reasons why oak trees are unique among trees.

Incredibly Long Lifespan

Many tree species have impressive lifespans, with some living 100 years, but oak trees can live 10 times that long. That’s right; oak trees can live up to 1,000 years! Interestingly, they continue to grow and produce acorns until they reach the age of 700. After that, their growth begins to slow down.

Acorn Production

Although oak trees don’t yield traditional fruit, they do produce loads and loads of acorns. In fact, they produce approximately 10,000 acorns each year. While acorn production aims to generate more oak trees, only about one in 1,000 acorns becomes a full-grown oak tree. The majority of acorns are a food source for various birds and critters.

Oakwood is Dense and Durable

Fascinatingly, early humans built homes and tools using oakwood. Additionally, the Vikings used oakwood to construct their boats and ships during ancient times because of its robust and durable nature. Although we don’t typically build ships from wood anymore, there are still many common uses for oak, including carpentry, flooring materials, and wine barrels.

Favored by Bees

Oak trees don’t provide traditional nectar like other trees and flowers, but honeybees and other pollinators still favor them. Oaks secrete a substance similar to nectar to attract pollinators and help protect the tree from harmful insects and pests. As a result, oak trees aren’t prone to many pests and diseases.

Now that you know why oak trees are unique among trees, you may be inclined to buy oak trees online. Bring an abundance of shade and beauty to your property by shopping Plant Me Green’s extensive selection of tree species suitable for various hardiness zones.