Dracaena 'Janet Craig'

Common Name: Corn Plant



The Dracaena deremensis “Janet Craig”, fondly known as the corn plant, or simply Dracaena “Janet Craig,” is a perennial plant that has long dark-green leaves and a cane-like stem.  This plant is tough and adaptable. Like other forms of the ‘Cornstalk’ Dracaena, this cultivar will grow in part sun outdoors, as well as in heavy shade or indoors. Compared to other indoor choices, this robust plant is much less susceptible to leaf drop or damping off.  If you don’t consider yourself a green thumb, this may be the plant for you! 

Please note: Toxic to humans, cats and dogs if ingested


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Care Guide

Choose a brightly lit place indoors, or semi-shade outdoors. They can be grown in full sun, but will look worn out if they receive too much direct sun. They have fairly low water needs. If your plant lives inside, it will not require a lot of water. A deep watering once a week should be adequate, less often during winter. The 'Janet Craig does not really require pruning. However, you can trim back slightly, if you choose to do so. It will not tolerate frost or prolonged cold conditions. Regular fertilizing with products such as Troforte and Organic Link will produce lush, glossy growth.

30-Day Guarantee

We will replace any houseplant that fails to thrive within 30 days of placing your order. Replacement plant shipping cost is at the customer’s expense. Proof of failure may be requested in the form of a picture sent to our customer service team. Houseplants are not included in the 1 year tree guarantee.

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